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Life Coaching
I am a certified Transformational Life Coach specializing in Soul Realignment, Hypnotherapy/NLP, Creativity Consulting, and I am a Usui Reiki Master. I am also a Stress Management Consultant, Certified “Creating Change” practitioner, Lux Mani (hands of light and violet flame) Certified Advanced Practitioner, and Silva Int’l Graduate.

Soul Realignment
This is an amazing intuitive healing modality that enables me to obtain specific Soul level information from your Akashic Record to enable you to make positive changes in your life.

Katie has been certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy and the Int’l Association of Counselors and Therapists, and is a member of the Hypnosis Education Association. She has also been certified as an NLP Practitioner for over ten years.

Creativity Consultant
Katie is professionally trained in art/design and has taught workshops and classes for over 25 years. In her art workshops, Katie observed her students struggling with a lack of confidence and a desire to more easily access their creative side. Thus, Katie’s Creativity Classes were developed.